Schedule an Appointment 561-967-4118
Our respect for our patients drives us to be leaders in medical excellence. TGH PCSI was the first provider in all of Florida to utilize Spire Health Tags, featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Men’s Health, as part of our treatment modality.
Spire Health Tags use non-invasive artificial intelligence monitoring to remotely record the patient’s heart rate, respiration and vital sign patterns allowing TGH PCSI to provide qualifying patients a much more individual, customized treatment plan.
Patients interested in smoking cessation have the ability to do so with our multi-interventional approach using smoking cessation counseling, patient education, prescribed smoking cessation aids when indicated, referral to Tobacco Free Florida and follow-up ongoing monitoring all in a judgment-free atmosphere.
Patients interested in smoking cessation have the ability to do so with our multi-interventional approach using smoking cessation counseling, patient education, prescribed smoking cessation aids when indicated, referral to Tobacco Free Florida and follow-up ongoing monitoring all in a judgment-free atmosphere.